Section one: Invention Process
- How did you find problems?
- Did you use one or more of your 5 senses? Seeing, Hearing, Smelling, Touching, Tasting?
- Did you brainstorm more than one possible solution?
- Did you use the “Catch It” technique? Something goes right when you did not expect it to.
- Recognize something needed by an age group.
- Pay attention to nature and mimic it. (Velcro!)
- Pay attention to unexpected events and how you could make a difference!
- People who need to obey new laws or regulations may benefit from an idea you come up with.
- Pay attention to things that go wrong! Pollution of the air, the ground, the water.
- How many ideas did you come up with that would help correct all or part of the problem you have chosen?
- If you could make a difference, what problems are important to you? Small or big? (One person may benefit at a time, your school or community may benefit, or the whole world benefits by you making a difference with the problems that are important to you.)
- You have chosen ONE problem and ONE idea that best solves the problem. Can you think of anyone else who came up with the same solution as you? Have you ever seen any product or idea similar to yours?
- If NO, you may have a unique or original idea! Congratulations! If YES, how did you change your idea so that is was different from anything you are aware of?
- If it is not naturally occurring, the human mind is responsible for its existence. Many STEM projects lead to inventions or are technological or engineering inventions. Did you do any scientific research?
- To verify an invention is unique or original it is necessary to perform a patent search. Are you aware of this and the types of protection available (Intellectual Property Protection – IPP). Are you thinking about doing a patent search for a patent or trademark or copyright?
- What do you hope the impact of your invention will be? The market Impact. Social Impact. Environmental Impact.
- Have you kept a diary or log book showing your daily work on your idea, design, improvements, testing etc. and records showing who helped you with any aspect of your idea? Do you sign and date each day’s work? Or each page?
- Explain how you came up with the design for the product that represents your idea.