Hints for Special Projects
Please understand that ALL forms and reviews are for the safety of the student, subjects, and the adult sponsor.
Human Participants
Intel ISEF Rules: Pages 8-10, 21, 31; Intel ISEF Forms: Form 4 and Informed Consent
SSEF of Florida Rules Supplement: Page 4; SSEF Form: Verification of Informed Consent (VICF)
Students MUST:
Describe potential population as described on Page 30 (DO NOT contact potential participants until IRB has approved the project). This is part of the Method along with the survey and one of the additional references listed on Page 21 (ISEF Rules).
Clearly identify ALL of the potential risks on the Informed Consent. NO project is without risk (see Page 11, ISEF Rules). High school students that are 18 years old are still considered a minor and should have parental permission. Be sure participants print, sign and date the informed consent forms PRIOR to participation in the project if the IRB requires the use of the form.
Prior to competition at the School-level, bring ALL of the signed Informed Consent forms to the Adult Sponsor who will help the Student Researcher prepare the Verification of Informed Consent Form (VIFC). Only ONE (1) REDACTED INFORMED CONSENT FORM is submitted to the Regional Science and Engineering Fair before competition with the Verification of Informed Consent. BLACK OUT the printed and signed name but NOT the date on the redacted form.
Vertebrate Animals
Intel ISEF Rules: Pages 12-14, 21-22, 31; Intel ISEF Forms: Form 3, Form 5A or Form 5B
SSEF of Florida Rules Supplement: Page 4; SSEF Form: Mortality Report
Students MUST:
Provide an explanation for the use of vertebrates in research in the method section of the Research Plan (see Page 12, ISEF Rules). Care of the animals required on Form 5A must also be described in the method. Also include the measurements that will be taken so you can determine if the animals are stressed and the experimentation MUST stop. Any deaths due to the experiment result in disqualification and must be investigated by a qualified adult. An animal care reference must be included in bibliography.
Complete the SSEF Mortality Report after experimentation and include this document with project forms prior to any competition.
Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents (PHBAs)
Intel ISEF Rules: Pages 15-18, 21, 31; Intel ISEF Forms: Form 6A, Form 6B
SSEF of Florida Rules Supplement: Pages 4-5; SSEF Form: BSL-1 or BSL-2 Laboratory Checklist
Students MUST:
Thoroughly read the Intel ISEF and SSEF of Florida Rules Supplement pages listed above when working with microorganisms including but not limited to bacteria, viruses, and mold. Details in the method MUST include collection and disposal of the cultures/samples. A reference for aseptic technique must be in the bibliography. Because bleach solutions are commonly used for cleaning surfaces, generally these projects fall under the Hazardous Chemicals, Activities and Devices category also.
Have the Adult Sponsor or Designated Supervisor complete the BSL-1 or BSL-2 Laboratory Checklist.
Hazardous Chemicals, Activities, or Devices
Intel ISEF Rules: Pages 19-21, 31; Intel ISEF Forms: Form 3
SSEF of Florida Rules Supplement: Page 5
Students MUST:
Include risk and safety precautions for projects involving hazardous chemicals, activities and/or devices on Form 3 and within the method section of the Research Plan. These projects must be reviewed by SRC PRIOR to experimentation. Additional safety references as suggested (see Page 22, ISEF Rules) are required in the bibliography. The MSDS/SDS should be evaluated for EVERY chemical in the procedure, EVEN THOSE COMMONLY USED (OUR GOAL IS SAFETY). Please realize that State Fair may have more restrictive guidelines for disposal than those listed on the MSDS/SDS.
Seek assistance from the adult who will DIRECTLY supervise the experimentation (i.e., the Designated Supervisor) when completing Form 3.