The Thomas Alva Edison Kiwanis RSEF now supports 13 Categories and 22 Fields of Study. Categories and Fields of Study within each category are listed below. These Categories (aligned to SSEF of Florida) and Fields of Study (aligned to Intel ISEF) are new for 2016-17 and represent a reorganization of categories featured during prior years.
Students must choose a Category and Field of Study (if applicable) for their project. An accurate choice of Category and Field of Study ensures alignment with affiliate fairs (SSEF of Florida, Intel ISEF), and increases the likelihood that your project will be assigned to judges who understand and appreciate your project. A science project involves a study, hypothesis and experiment. An engineering project involves an application, design or device and an engineering goal. A unique project number is assigned for each project.
It will also be required that the OFFICIAL SSEF OF FLORIDA ABSTRACT be used for entry into the Thomas Alva Edison Kiwanis RSEF.
Below is a Flow Chart of OLD RSEF Project Categories to NEW RSEF Project Categories and Fields of Study (if applicable).