
Science & Engineering (S & E) Fair Students are welcome to register for both Fairs.

Two choices are possible:

  • A single science project meeting the criteria for each fair
  • Two unrelated projects may be registered, each in its appropriate fair.


  • A single science project qualifying for both fairs may be registered for Inventors Fair up to the scheduled date of Final Project Allocations. Why? An invention may evolve from the scientific research that was not initially realized.
  • An invention project unrelated to the science project must be registered during the initial Inventors Fair Student Registration timeline.

The CO Registrant must fulfill the specific requirements of each Fair:

  • S & E Fair Research Data provides evidence to support a scientific hypothesis
  • Inventors Fair Research provides evidence of originality by applying intellectual property research and developing a working model (prototype) or illustration of the invention. New product development with market research and optional business planning are distinctly Inventors Fair related.


  • Both projects must compete in a school level competition in order to qualify for each regional fair.
  • Participants must sign in for each fair on registration day to receive ID and pertinent information for competing in separate fairs on the day of judging.

On the day of judging:

  • The student shall be at his or her Inventors Fair assigned exhibit space by 8 AM.
  • One group of 3 Inventor Fair Judges meet the student at this location.
  • If there is only one project and it is setup on the S &E Fair Exhibit Floor, the student will take the judges from the Inventors Fair site to the S & E site to be judged.
  • After being judged by the one Inventor Fair Judges Group, the student is required to follow the S & E Fair Judging Day schedule.

Winner’s Ribbons:

  • Inventors Fair Winner’s Ribbons are placed on the Inventors Fair Exhibit Room project site by 4 PM. Please breakdown the exhibit between 4 and 5 pm as the room is prepared for other events.
  • Once Science Fair Winner’s Ribbons are placed, CO Registered students should check their Inventors Fair Exhibit and if after 4 PM, remove the Inventors Fair Exhibit.


  • Science exhibit removal is not permitted until after 5 PM.
  • Inventor Fair Awards are the same for individual and team projects. Only one award can be expected. The selection committee will have final discretion over one or more prizes awarded to team entries based on the donor requirements.

CARPE DIEM! Seize the day!

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