Science Experiments (Individual and Team Projects)


♦ Is the project topic unique or the approach original? ♦ Has the student used a novel approach for checking the hypothesis? ♦ Has previous work and sources of ideas been acknowledged?

Scientific Thought

♦ Was the problem and hypothesis clearly stated? ♦ Was the problem scientifically significant, but sufficiently limited to be solved? ♦ Was the experiment repeated several times? ♦ Was the conclusion justified and properly drawn from experimental results? ♦ Was sufficient preliminary research performed and applied?


♦ Was adequate literary/online research conducted? ♦ Did the student(s) look at different aspects of the problem – was it well planned? ♦ Was there a project notebook? ♦ Is the conclusion supported with data? ♦ Are procedures and materials thoroughly documented?

Scientific Skills

♦ Does the student understand the subject and methods used? ♦ Has the student used good laboratory skills – data gathering and analysis? ♦ Did the student acknowledge mentoring or other help? ♦ Did the student assemble the equipment used?


♦ Is the abstract, project board, and notebook accurate and understandable? ♦ Can the student clearly explain the project? ♦ Did the student speak clearly and understandably?

Engineering Projects (Individual and Team Projects)


• Is the project topic unique or the approach original? • Has the student used a novel approach to test the engineering design criteria? • Has previous work and sources of ideas been acknowledged?

Engineering Goals

• Was the purpose/the engineering design criteria clearly stated and significant? • What will be invented/ engineered? • Is the solution workable and economically feasible? • Was there evidence of redesign and retest? • Were the engineering design criteria tested for each step of redesign?


• Was sufficient preliminary research performed and applied? • Did the student(s) look at different aspects of the problem – was it well planned? • Was there a project notebook with adequate drawings, schematics, and/or other documentation? • Has each of the criteria been well tested?

Engineering Skills

• Does the student understand the subject? • Has the student used good technical skills to arrive at the solution? • Did the student acknowledge mentoring or other help? • Did the student assemble the equipment used?


• Is the abstract, notebook and project board accurate and understandable? • Can the student clearly explain the project? • Did the student speak clearly and understandably?

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